OPW thanks all the local foodbanks that have worked hard to support families in need around the world, especially during these uncertain times. With many foodbanks reporting shortages, OPW has donated between $500 and $1,000 (USD) to key foodbanks in communities where OPW employees live and work.
“Many communities and industries have been impacted by COVID 19,” said OPW President Kevin Long. “We recognize the challenging times and are committed to supporting our employees and the communities in which we operate. OPW would like to thank the local foodbanks that are providing critical services for our neighbors in need.”
OPW has provided charitable donations to the following foodbanks to help them continue to provide meals to their neighbors in need:
Illinois (U.S.): Greater Chicago Food Depository https://www.chicagosfoodbank.org/
Mumbai (India): Khaana Chahiye https://effortsforgood.org/campaign/community/khaana-chahiye-hunger-in-the-times-of-corona/
New South Wales (Australia): Oz Harvest https://www.ozharvest.org/
North Carolina (U.S.): Inter-Faith Food Shuttle https://www.foodshuttle.org/community-partnerships
North Yorkshire (U.K.): The Trussell Trust: https://www.trusselltrust.org/
Ohio (U.S.): Shared Harvest Foodbank https://www.sharedharvest.org/
Suzhou (China): Suzhou Industrial Park Volunteers Association http://www.sipac.gov.cn/english/Topstory/201912/t20191203_1078463.htm
Wisconsin (U.S.): De Pere Christian Outreach Food Pantry http://www.deperechristianoutreach.org/dpco-food-pantry.html