With this year drawing to an end, the oil and gas industry is facing a new set of challenges due to a variety of new regulations that were introduced in 2013. However, as long as fueling solutions professionals make sure that they are in compliance with these regulations, then they can continue to keep their operations going strong. Detailed below are some of the new regulations that will affect the oil and gas industry in 2014, as well as suggestions for how you can guarantee that you are adhering to these new policies.
Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems Decommissioning:
In 1990, the EPA amended the Clean Air Act to require that service stations employ stage II vapor recovery systems, intended to hinder gasoline emissions from entering the air. Eight years later, a separate amendment to the Clean Air Act dictated that automobile makers install Onboard Vapor Recovery Systems onto their vehicles. The passing of this law essentially made the provision regarding Stage II vapor recovery systems obsolete, and in 2012, the EPA issued a ruling stating that the mandate can now be waived on a state-by-state basis, meaning that service stations may be able to decommission their Stage II equipment.
Service station professionals can benefit greatly from removing Stage II equipment and returning to conventional equipment, as conventional fueling components cost less to purchase, test, license, replace, and repair. Thanks to companies that specialize in fueling solutions, such as OPW, resources are available for those who will be looking to make the transition back to conventional equipment. These resources include vapor recovery conversion kits, which will provide users with nozzles, breakaways, swivels and vapor recovery adaptors.
TSSA LFHC Sump Regulations (Canada Only) On June 2013, The Technical Standards and Safety Authority implemented new regulations on containment sumps. These provisions required that all under-dispenser sumps and dispenser pans to be electronically monitored by tank gauging systems.
Professionals who are expected to be in compliance with these regulations can purchase products that will be useful in helping them detect and prevent fuel leaks, such as tank gauge monitors from OPW Fuel Management Systems. These systems have been designed to thoroughly monitor tanks, manage inventory and test environmental compliance.
To learn more about OPW, contact your local OPW Sales Representative or OPW Distributor.